Hi Mark,
Thanks für the quick reply.
I copied the new files and had to adapt the makefile to the GNU compiler.
Also there seems to be an error in webInterface.c line 210:
HTTP_session->ptrFileStart = (unsigned char*)cSuccessSW_HTML;
HTTP_session->FileLength = sizeof(cSuccessSW_HTML)-1;
cSuccessSW_HTML is undefined.
I tried to resolve it, but finally I just skip the lines.
After that it compiled smoothly. But the outcome it the same. The display backlight flashes at 2 Hertz and no network communication. Though the network LEDs at the PHY are blinking sometimes.
The VS project won't compile anymore. This is the error I get:
Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl fnDoPortSim(int)" (?fnDoPortSim@@YAXH@Z) referenced in function _WinMain@16 WinSimMain.obj
Maybe just a little thing, but that takes the most time to find

Thanks for your effort!