Hi Maik
Many things performed by a web server (such as Flash) are actually handled by the browser. The web server's main job is to send back files as requested. This means that all client side technology should be possible as long as the files exist and can be addressed.
The web server supports dynamic content generation and content inserting so can also be used for most other purposes where some form of server side technology is needed. Although it doesn't include PHP, for example, the same effects can be achieved using the inbuilt features - usually with a minimum of code requirement.
There is now an extension (see
http://www.utasker.com/docs/uTasker/uTaskerUserFiles.PDF) for internal files which is proving useful for handling AJAX and doing things like adding a
favicon in the code.
All of these handle multiple sessions, limited only by the value
http://www.utasker.com/docs/uTasker/uTaskerV1.3_Content_Generation.PDF for more details about dynamic content being generated for multiple individual users at the same time.
There are thus very little known limitations of the actual capabilities and no known field problems, whereby some uses have large numbers of connections and high traffic. The question of load limits is also application specific so can not be answered with a yes/no. It is best to do some quick tests under expected conditions to get a useful answer.
At the moment the uFileSystem and internal user files (will be in the next service pack) are the only file systems available. SD card, USB mass storage and FAT compatibility are planned for later this year.
For projects requiring features not available (or not yet available) in the uTasker project it may be necessary to look at alternatives such as Micrium or InterNiche. If price is an issue it may be possible to use FreeRTOS together with an open source stack and FAT.