I have defined SPI_FILE_SYSTEM and undefined FLASH_FILE_SYSTEM!
I want to use the fnEraseFlashSector(); fnWriteBytesFlash(); fnGetParsFile() at the ATMEL AT45DBXXX ,
I don't want to use the SPI_SW_UPLOAD,it is too complex.No like the vxworks's bootrom,that is easy to use.
Can that the ATMEL AT45DBXXX only use to SPI_SW_UPLOAD no the fnEraseFlashSector(); fnWriteBytesFlash(); fnGetParsFile() ??
Otherwise if I have the M95XXX EEPROM ,but defined SPI_FILE_SYSTEM it will be ERROR!
but compil ERROR! look this:
Error : unexpected end of line
M5223X.c line 2112 // uses external file system in M95XXX EEPROM
Error : illegal token for integral constant expression
M5223X.c line 2114 extern QUEUE_HANDLE SPI_handle;
Error : undefined identifier 'M95XXX_WRITE_ENABLE'
M5223X.c line 2176 static const unsigned char ucWriteEnable[] = {M95XXX_WRITE_ENABLE, TERMINATE_WRITE}; // enable write
Error : function has no prototype
M5223X.c line 2184 fnWaitWriteComplete(); // wait until free to write
Error : undefined identifier 'SPI_handle'
M5223X.c line 2186 fnWrite(SPI_handle, (unsigned char *)ucWriteEnable, sizeof(ucWriteEnable)); // prepare write
Error : function has no prototype
M5223X.c line 2187 fnWriteBytesEEPROM(ptrEEPROM, ucDel, EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE); // delete a page
Error : undefined identifier 'M95XXX_WRITE_ENABLE'
M5223X.c line 2253 static const unsigned char ucWriteEnable[] = {M95XXX_WRITE_ENABLE, TERMINATE_WRITE}; // enable write
Error : undefined identifier 'SPI_handle'
M5223X.c line 2263 fnWrite(SPI_handle, (unsigned char *)ucWriteEnable, sizeof(ucWriteEnable)); // prepare write
Error : ';' expected
M5223X.c line 2464 extern SPIQue *spi_rx_control;
Error : undefined identifier 'M95XXX_READ_MEMORY'
M5223X.c line 2669 usRead[0] = M95XXX_READ_MEMORY;
Error : undefined identifier 'SPI_handle'
M5223X.c line 2675 fnWrite(SPI_handle, usRead, sizeof(usRead)); // set the read address
Error : undefined identifier 'SPI_handle'
M5223X.c line 2676 fnRead(SPI_handle, ptrValue, usSize); // read from the device to the return buffer