Author Topic: Kinetis KL family  (Read 5816 times)

Offline mark

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Kinetis KL family
« on: January 29, 2014, 03:19:16 AM »
Hi All

I have been working with the Kinetis for about 3 years now and have found them to be great devices. This, and the fact that many new projects use them, has meant that a lot of work has been focused in the Kinetis direction.

Recently I noticed that many Kinetis uses (at the freescale forums) are using KL types. These don't have Ethernet and are not quite as powerful (Cortext-M0+ core that than Cortex M4) but do have USB, SLCD controller and some a decent amount of Flash and SRAM, and are intended for (very) low power applications.

So I ordered various boards - Tower kits and Freedome boards; the Freedom boards are very cheap and I suppose this is why I have seen so much activity with them.

The devices are quite compatible (with the K family), which means that it was fairly simple to get projects with USB and SLCD (and UARTs) running. But there are various registers that have the same names but do have some different content. Some peripherals have reduced functionality - or even some addition features, which means all details need to be worked through (and tested). For example, I only realised today that my device was running with a different bus frequency than expected (yesterday all looked good because UART0 has a different clock source in the KLs), due to a register content difference.

It will take some time to work through all periperals but I will be putting the KL support in the next release so that the popular boards can be worked with.
Note that I have already put some KL46 USB-boot loader software on-line at

