Hi All
Note that I have added K40 serial boot loaders (for TWR and KWIKSTIK) with USB-MSD loader support on the SW/Live demos page [
http://www.utasker.com/SW_Demos.html ] . To make the application that is included a little more interested it performs a clock display function on its respective SLCD (TWR board in 12 hour mode with AM/PM indication and KWIKSTIK in 24 hour mode).
The application uses the internal RTC via a second RTC interrupt (so that I could get to know the RTC as well as experiment with method of controlling fonts on the LCDs). The applications were developed in the simulator. It took a bit of time to set up fonts and a simple algorithm to set these on the Kwikstik's dot-matrix type display but worked first time on the HW too.
I also added K40 executibles which don't require any installation on a PC but allow these applications to be run simulated. They show the SLCD and the clock (always starting from 0:00:00) and are particularly interesting because the user can also modify the script files in the SLCD directory to experiment with modifications of the LCD as described in the SLCD document