µTasker Documentation


  • µTasker Ethernet and Simulator Tutorial for the i.MX RT - V1.4 (23.2.2020)
  • µTasker Ethernet and Simulator Tutorial for the Kinetis - V1.4 (27.1.2013)
  • µTasker Ethernet and Simulator Tutorial for the STM32 - V1.4 (9.3.2014)
  • µTasker Ethernet and Simulator Tutorial for the M522XX - V1.4 (2.8.2009)
  • µTasker Ethernet and Simulator Tutorial for the Kirin3 M5225X - V1.4 (18.1.2010)
  • µTasker Ethernet and Simulator Tutorial for the AVR32 - V1.4 (31.7.2009)
  • µTasker Ethernet and Simulator Tutorial for the SAM7X - V1.4 (31.7.2009)
  • µTasker Ethernet and Simulator Tutorial for the LM3SXXXX - V1.4 (3.8.2009)
  • µTasker Ethernet and Simulator Tutorial for the NXP LPC2XXX - V1.4 (3.8.2009)

  • µTasker Ethernet/Simulator tutorial for the KIRIN3 M5225X - V1.3 (16.02.2009)
  • µTasker demo tutorial for the M5223X - V1.3-003 (20.05.2007)
  • µTasker demo tutorial for the SAM7X - V1.3 (30.5.2009)
  • µTasker demo tutorial for the LM3SXXXX - V1.3 (21.3.2008)
  • µTasker demo tutorial for the LPC23XX - V1.3-002 (24.1.2008)
  • µTasker demo tutorial for the STR91XF - V1.3 (10.6.2007)

  • µTasker demo tutorial for the M9S12NE64 - V1.2

  • µTasker Bare-Minimum user's quide for M5223X - Rev. 004: 27.8.2007. A detailed guide to using the µTasker Bare-Minimum Boot Loader on the M5223X with CodeWarrior
  • µTasker Bare-Minimum user's quide for SAM7X. A detailed guide to using the µTasker Bare-Minimum Boot Loader on the SAM7X with IAR

  • Large granularity file system - example using STR912F

  • Projects and Application notes

  • Guide to converting a DEMO9S12NE64 into a LAN based BDM programming tool for the MC9S12NE64. Get the free software for you DEMO9S12NE64 here
  • µTasker Benchmark measurements. Want to know how the µTasker performs or how your project can be set up to improve speed of operation? Check out some figures and comparisons here! [V1.1 29.04.2012]
  • µTasker USB Demo. Guide to running the µTasker USB CDC demo [Rev0.1 28.12.2008] (Terminal menu, USB<->RS232 bridge and USB firmware upload) on your board and in the µTasker simulator. [See the software page for demo packs to load to standard boards]
  • µTasker Kirin3 M52259 demo users' guide. Getting started with the M52259DEMO board and testing the USB and Ethernet features of the µTasker on it. [Rev0.0 21.01.2009] [See the software page for demo pack for this board]

  • µTasker Documents

    Operating System

  • µTasker operating system basics - V0.04 29.03.2008
  • µTasker operating system user guide - V0.02 6.03.2009 / µTasker operating system user guide - V1.4 (23.2.2021)
  • µTasker Global Software and Hardware timers - V0.01 15.05.2007
  • File Systems

  • µTasker File System (µFileSystem and µParameterSystem) - V0.08 4.10.2014 (including extended uFileSystem and append options)
  • µTasker uFileSystem Revision 1 document - V0.00 07.10.2011. This details a reworked generic implementation to ensure operation in multiple storage media, with optional multiple-devices in the media, as well as improved maintainability to allow further extensions to be easily added. It also includes an example of working with external parallel Flash
  • µTasker (µFileSystem) extended SPI FLASH support - V0.03 13.03.2008
  • µTasker utFAT2.0 user's guide - V2.00 11.07.2014. Explaining the use of the utFAT module, its capabilities and all that is necessary to get a thorough understanding of SD-card and FAT32 use
  • µTasker - FAT Emulation - V1.01 31.10.2015. Using emulated FAT to view and retrieve binary and formatted data from linear memory systems via USB-MSD
  • µTasker SPI EEPROM file system - V0.02 26.11.2006
  • µTasker User File User's Guide - V0.03 29.09.2010 User files, embedded in code, in µFileSystem files or constructed in RAM, can be used together alongside the µFileSystem
  • µTasker NAND Flash driver - V0.02 20.03.2011 describing the µTasker NAND Flash driver implementation with swap block and level wear management
  • Networking

    µTasker Networking User's Guide (multi-network, multi-interface and VLAN configurations) - V1.00 10.05.2017
    µTasker Web Server Dynamic Content Generation guide for increased flexibility of web server design and operation - V0.0 13.11.2008
  • µTasker FTP implementation and operation with IE, FireFTP etc. [active and passive modes] - V0.02 8.07.2007
  • µTasker SMTP support including LOGIN authentication - V0.01 26.02.2007
  • µTasker DHCP implementation and support - V0.06 9.7.2016
  • µTasker distributed system protocol µNetwork - V0.02 04.09.2007
  • µTasker TELNET user's guide - V0.1 21.04.2010
  • The µTasker Zero-configuration User's Guide - V1.00 4.08.2011. IPv4 link-local address configuration according to RFC 3927
  • µTasker FTP Client User's Guide - V1.01 3.6.2012
  • µTasker IPv6 User's Guide - V1.01 02.04.2012. Practical use of the IPv6 features in the µTasker project based on 6in4 tunnelling and relay agent
  • The µTasker SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) User's Guide - V1.00 7.09.2009
  • µTasker Multicasting and IGMP User's Guide - V0.01 14.04.2014
  • µTasker IPv4 Fragmentation - V1.00 12.01.2016
  • Ethernet Reception - Scheduling strategies - V1.00 25.08.2011
  • RNDIS - RNDIS Device User's Guide - V1.00 03.10.2016
  • µTasker MQTT user's guide - V1.00 12.03.2018. µTasker MQTT User's Guide for configuring for MQTT and MQTTS operation and testing various MQTT operations.

    Signal Processing

    µTasker DSP user's guide - V0.01 30.01.2017. Explaining common Digital Signal Processing operations and their support in the µTasker project


    µTasker Cryptography user's guide - V0.04 9.11.2018. Explaining common Crypographic operations and their support in the µTasker project


    µTasker Keypad (matrix and directly connected) user's guide - 08.01.2018. Explaining operation, configuration for different keypads and targets, plus simulating in the µTasker simulator.

    UART / Synchronous Controller

    µTasker UART user's guide - V0.08 2.05.2017. The serial interface is still one of the most popular peripherals in embedded projects and this guide supplies all necessary information and examples to allow you to get the most out of it!

    µTasker SSC (Synchronous Serial Controller) guide - for SAM7X - V1.01 19.02.2010. SSC (Synchronous Serial Controller) guide - for SAM7X
    µTasker DMX512 and RDM - V1.01 15.08.2018. DMX512 (Digital Multiplex) and RDM transmission/reception implementation.


  • µTasker I2C support and demo - V1.03 14.03.2009
  • µTasker I2C support (master and slave) - V1.06 29.12.2017
  • CAN

  • µTasker CAN User's Guide - V1.01 9.3.2014 / Original µTasker CAN support implementation - V0.01 18.07.2006 (to be phased out)

  • USB

    µTasker USB User's Guide - V0.4 26.06.2009. Explaining USB essentials and the implementation in the µTasker project
    µTasker USB Audio Device User's Guide - V0.02 24.03.2016. Explaining the USB Audio implementation and use in the µTasker project
    µTasker USB RNDIS (Remote Network Driver Interface Specification) Device User's Guide - V1.00 03.10.2016. Explaining the USB RNDIS implementation and use in the µTasker project

    HW Timers and PWM

    µTasker Hardware Timer guide - V1.10 23.09.2020 Explaining configuration and use of various timer modules in the supported processors (interrupt delays, periodic interrupts, frequency generation, PWM, input capture, etc.)
    µTasker Time-Keeping guide - V0.01 15.04.2015 This describes the management of time (RTC, UTC, Gregorian, SNTP, etc.) by the timer keeper task in the µTasker framework


    µTasker ADC/DAC User's Guide - V0.10 11.7.2023 including DMA and threshold triggering configurations


  • µTasker MODBUS User's Guide - V1.07 29.07.2012. Powerfull and highly flexible implementation (serial RTU/ASCII and TCP) which drops into the µTasker project to do just about anything imaginable with MODBUS. See also µTasker MODBUS Extension Module
  • LCD and Graphical Displays

  • µTasker LCD User's Guide - uGLCDLIB V1.1 - V1.03 29.08.2010. Character and graphical LCD support including simulation in the µTasker project
  • µTasker Touch Screen Guide - V0.00 12.08.2010. This document describes how to control a resistive touch display using a general purpose microcontroller!
  • µTasker Segment LCD User's Guide - V1.0 27.01.2014. Details of SLCD configuration, simulation and adding new simulation scripts - see also K40 SLCD video
  • Boot Loading

    µTasker Serial Loader guide - V1.13 25.04.2021: A small loader which can be programmed to target boards to enable application loading plain-code or encrypted firmware via UART - SREC/iHex format and/or USB-MSD binary/SREC/iHEX with optional password protection, from SD card, memory stick, from a Web Browser using Ethernet, KBOOT compatible USB-HID/UART, Modbus or I2C

  • µTasker ("Bare-Minimum") Boot Loader support - Rev. 005: 20.6.2020 including encryption and SPI FLASH. Learn about how the µTasker allows you to make safe software updates in your own project via the Internet!

  • µTasker Serial Loader Updating using the "Bare-Minimum" Loader- Rev. 1.00: 20.6.2020. This document shows how to make the µTasker Serial Loader capable of updating itself by working together with the µTasker "BM" Loader, increasing the overall code size by as little as 2k Bytes

  • µTasker Secure SREC Bootloader Guide - V0.02 05.11.2010 describing how to combine the µTasker boot loader tools to build an encrypted SREC based serial loader [Depreciated by AES256 method integrated in the new µTasker Serial Loader]
  • Various

  • µTasker Demo RAM Test - V1.00 30.07.2011. Details of optional RAM test on start-up, supporting complete RAM test during normal system operation
  • µTasker CodeWarrior 10 Guide - with Kinetis (suitable also for Coldfire) - V0.0 13.12.2012
  • µTasker EzPort Cloner - V1.03 19.12.2015
  • µTasker Luminary Micro LM3Sxxxx GPIO and simulator guide - V0.01 3.08.2009. Details about the LM3Sxxxx GPIOs, their use, simulation and adding new simulated devices
  • µTasker AVR32 USB device development document - V0.00 06.06.2010. This monitors the development of support for USB device on the AVR32 in the µTasker project
  • µTasker M5282 development document - V0.02 28.04.2010. This monitors the development of support for this device in the µTasker project
  • µTasker M5208 development document - V0.01 25.05.2010. This monitors the development of support for this device in the µTasker project
  • µTasker Kinetis demo and developer's document - V0.18 27.10.2012
  • µTasker STM32 developer's document (F1, F2 and F4) - V0.5 22.02.2012

  • µTasker Video demos and guides

  • i.MX RT Playlist - i.MX RT loader concepts and peripherals explained
  • µTasker SHORTS Playlist - various short videos handling single topics
  • µTasker M5225x Tower Kit Demo
  • µTasker SLCD Demo and Simulation (K40 Tower and Kwikstik)
  • µTasker Kinetis USB MSD Boot Loader on K60 Tower Kit
  • µTasker Kinetis flexible USB MSD/SD card and SREC UART boot loader on K60 Tower Kit
  • µTasker USB MSD Boot Loader with password protection on AT91SAM7S
  • µTasker CAN driver and simulator on Kinetis K60 Tower Kit
  • µTasker FTP client on Kinetis K60 Tower Kit
  • µTasker Ethernet Boot Loader shown on AVR32 EVK1100 - containing guide to testing and debugging boot loader in simulator
  • µTasker STM3210C-EVAL Demo
  • µTasker TI IDM-L35 Intelligent Display Module - project and simulator - part 1
  • µTasker TI IDM-L35 Intelligent Display Module - part 2
  • µTasker SDIO based slide show on Olimex LPC2478-STK
  • µTasker IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack operation on Kinetis Tower kit
  • µTasker Quick Start Video Guide for Kinetis and Codewarrior 10.5

  • µTasker Circuits, Diagrams and Posters

    Circuits for connecting SPI FLASH memory: For use with SPI FLASH software upload and external SPI file system support
  • Circuit for connecting ATMEL AT45DBXXX to M5223X
  • Circuit for connecting ATMEL AT45DBXXX to LPC23XX boards(Keil MCB2300 and Olimex LPC-2378-STK)
  • Circuit for connecting ATMEL AT45DBXXX to Luminary Micro evaluation boards (LM3S6965, LM3S8962, etc.)
  • Circuit for connecting STM25xxx to Luminary Micro evaluation boards (LM3S6965, LM3S8962, etc.)

  • TCP State Transition Diagram - V1.2 19.07.2012

  • µTasker Code

  • µTasker Function Index

  • µTasker Documentation. Copyright (c) 2004..2021 M.J.Butcher Consulting