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Messages - sefai

Pages: [1]
NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Re: Porting Code to M5229
« on: September 29, 2009, 07:18:09 PM »
Mark I have read that one and the other threads of Neil. This is what I do:

Code: [Select]

void PP_OpenComm(void)
TTYTABLE tInterfaceParameters;                                       // table for passing information to driver

tInterfaceParameters.Channel = 0x02;                                    // set UART channel for serial use
    tInterfaceParameters.ucSpeed = SERIAL_BAUD_9600;                     // baud rate
    tInterfaceParameters.Rx_tx_sizes.RxQueueSize = RX_BUFFER_SIZE;       // input buffer size
    tInterfaceParameters.Rx_tx_sizes.TxQueueSize = TX_BUFFER_SIZE;       // output buffer size
    tInterfaceParameters.Task_to_wake = TASK_PP_RECEIVE;                    // wake self when messages have been received
    tInterfaceParameters.ucFlowHighWater = 80;// set the flow control high and low water levels in %
    tInterfaceParameters.ucFlowLowWater = 20;
    tInterfaceParameters.Config = (CHAR_8 + NO_PARITY + ONE_STOP + CHAR_MODE + RTS_CTS);
    tInterfaceParameters.Config |= INFORM_ON_FRAME_TRANSMISSION;
    #ifdef TEST_MSG_MODE
        tInterfaceParameters.usConfig |= (MSG_MODE);
        #if defined (TEST_MSG_CNT_MODE) && defined (SUPPORT_MSG_CNT)
            tInterfaceParameters.usConfig |= (MSG_MODE_RX_CNT);
        tInterfaceParameters.usConfig &= ~USE_XON_OFF;
        tInterfaceParameters.ucMessageTerminator = '\r';
        tInterfaceParameters.ucDMAConfig = UART_TX_DMA;                  // activate DMA on transmission
    if ((SerialPortID = fnOpen( TYPE_TTY, FOR_I_O, &tInterfaceParameters )) != 0) { // open or change the channel with defined configurations (initially inactive)
        fnDriver( SerialPortID, ( TX_ON | RX_ON ), 0 );                  // enable rx and tx
        fnDriver( SerialPortID, (MODIFY_CONTROL | CONFIG_RTS_PIN), 0 );
        fnDriver( SerialPortID, (MODIFY_CONTROL | CLEAR_RTS), 0 );   

void fnTimer_0(void);

static DMA_TIMER_SETUP  timer_setup_RTS_negate;

void fnTimer_0(void)
fnDriver(SerialPortID, (MODIFY_CONTROL | CLEAR_RTS), 0);

extern void fnUARTFrameTermination(QUEUE_HANDLE Channel)
if (Channel == 2) {

timer_setup_RTS_negate.int_type = DMA_TIMER_INTERRUPT;               = 1;
timer_setup_RTS_negate.int_priority = DMA_TIMER1_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY;
timer_setup_RTS_negate.int_handler = fnTimer_0;                // enter timer call-back
timer_setup_RTS_negate.count_delay = DMA_TIMER_US_DELAY(1,1, 620);


fnConfigureInterrupt(&timer_setup_RTS_negate); // start delay to RTS negation

void PP_WriteComm(unsigned short int usSize, unsigned char *pucOut)

  fnDriver(SerialPortID, (MODIFY_CONTROL | SET_RTS), 0); // driver RTS ‘1’
  fnWrite(SerialPortID, pucOut, usSize);

void fnTaskPPReceive(TTASKTABLE *ptrTaskTable)

I tried a lot of different combinations, negated RTS, changed count_delay, (for SP485)connected only RTS to RE*, connected both RTS to RE* and CTS to DE, connected CTS to ground, connected RTS to RE* and DE, used
Code: [Select]
fnDriver( PortID, (MODIFY_INTERRUPT | ENABLE_CTS_CHANGE), 0 ); , and many different combinations with no luck.

What can I do now, or maybe Neil can share some thoughts/experience with us?

Best regards...

NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Re: Porting Code to M5229
« on: September 28, 2009, 04:41:58 PM »

I am trying to follow the doc for RS485, but it does not match with V1.4 code, there is no TIMER_INTERRUPT_SETUP class defined, there is no definition for TIMER_INTERRUPT, TIMER_US_VALUE, TIMER_SINGLE_SHOT, it is not clear also if 52259 supports hardware controller RTS, and all the 485 support got mixed up with MODBUS support.

I am just trying to use a 485 device on UART2 on M52259DEMOKIT. I connected an SP485 to UART2; UTXD2/URXD2 to RO/DI, URTS2* to RE/DE...Tried the hardware support option first, but couldn't make it work, I turned to software support but its complicated...

Thanks in advance...

NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Re: Porting Code to M5229
« on: September 26, 2009, 10:16:00 PM »

You were right, CW was the problem. I was using 7.1.2, and I also upgraded the firmware on two of my M52259DEMO boards, so 7.1.1 couldn't connect them.

Now I am using 7.1.1 with a new (not upgraded) demo board. I can program and debug the board, but here is what I do: I first unplug and then plug USB BDM, then I hold down SW2 switch while I am programming flash (Erase/Blank Check, Program/Verify). Otherwise it always fail with different errors, unable to verify, timed out, unable to read, etc...

I also commented out the INIT_WATCHDOG_DISABLE and WATCHDOG_DISABLE macros and enabled these (they were commented out):

#define INIT_WATCHDOG_DISABLE()    (PNQPAR &= ~(ALT_2_FUNCTION_Q << BIT_1_Q_SHIFT)) // ensure IRQ1 is an input (SW2 on demo board)
#define WATCHDOG_DISABLE()         (!(PORTIN_SETNQ & PORT_NQ_BIT1))  // pull this input down to disable watchdog

With this two macros I can also debug the board, the other two didn't work.

So I have two new questions.

1.Can I use the UARTs for rs485 connections; on NE64, there were two ports and one was configured by a jumper and two pins for rs485 communications?

2.Can I downgrade the two boards so that I can reuse them?

Thanks in advance...

NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Re: Porting Code to M5229
« on: September 22, 2009, 01:55:08 PM »
Hi mark,

I did that, I ran the demo web application,uploaded the files(ftp), and tested the application, everything works fine (of course after _usHeaderLengthAndFlags bug is resolved)...

I configured PORT_TC_BIT1 to toggle when application task is called since I cannot debug (CW cannot place breakpoints and gives error that I cannot place more even if I dont have one and other errors!)... And when I run the code, LED2 is toggled only once, LED1 (watchdog) is toggled 15 times, and then board resets...

My code just opens a TCP port for communication and uses serial port to communicate to an external device, but I disabled the serial port...

Thanks in advance...

NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Porting Code to M5229
« on: September 22, 2009, 01:24:59 PM »

I have a working uTasker project for NE64. I am trying to convert this to KIRIN3 with no luck. I am adding my custom code from NE64 project, and configuring TaskConfig.h of the uTaskerV1.4_M522XX project to enable these new tasks. But it does not work. I cannot debug it either, if I put a breakpoint on first line of my application task and try to step over(F10),it never steps over to the next line, it stays on that line...

Can anybody help?

Best regards...

FreescaleTM MC9S12NE64 / Re: Adapt9S12NE
« on: October 20, 2008, 09:32:31 AM »
Hi, mark

I have somehow made it work, I will post the start12.c when I simplify it...

Now I have another problem, rs485 port of this board runs if port E bit 5 and bit 6 is set 0&1...also this port echoes back the written characters, I was using a code like this before:

Code: [Select]
// Disable Receive Interrupt
    SCI1CR2_RIE = 0;
// Wait until transfer data register empty

// Put byte
        SCI1DRL = *pucOut;

// Wait for a small period of time
        for(i = 0; i < 10000; i++)

// Echoed back
    // Read echoed character
    echoIn = SCI1DRL;

// If parity flag is set
    // Return parity error
    error = (ERR_PARITY);
if(echoIn != (*pucOut))
    // If echoed character is not the same as we put in,return communication error
    error = (ERR_COMNUM);
else // If it is not echoed back,there is an error
    error = (ERR_TIMEOUT);

How can I do this using uTasker?

FreescaleTM MC9S12NE64 / Re: Adapt9S12NE
« on: October 16, 2008, 08:39:47 AM »
I have changed start12.c, (i created a new empty project and compared it with utasker), and I am now able to debug using codewarrior...

But it does not work still, no task is activated: "if (ptTaskTable->ucTaskState & (UTASKER_GO | UTASKER_ACTIVATE))" this always returns false...

Mark, can you please check this map file and tell me if anything is wrong?

Thanks in advance...

FreescaleTM MC9S12NE64 / Re: Adapt9S12NE
« on: October 14, 2008, 07:45:32 PM »
Also, how can I use uTasker with ICC, I dont have much experience with CW, no experience with IAR(just heard it), and GNU builds are not acceptable since they are too big...

FreescaleTM MC9S12NE64 / Re: Adapt9S12NE
« on: October 14, 2008, 07:42:01 PM »
Hi, Mark

I cant communicate from the network...

I couldn't debug it using CW, I have a microbdm12s but i couldnt make it work either...In fact, I have never been able to debug this board before, all I did was sending some characters through serial port and hundreds of fbulk-fload, but it was a custom code which have a giant main module, it is also based on uIP, but I am having some problems with it, so I thought I should use a stable IP stack...In short I cant say it crashes, and if it crashes, where...

I also had the auto-negotiation problem with my old program, so I already changed it. I didnt look much into uTasker code, I just changed ip settings,run the simulator(it runs perfect) and made a GNU build from Visual Studio 6,and loaded it...

I will look into the LED thing tomorrow...

All the people on this forum seem to use en eval board, so I asked if anybody had a similar experince with Adapt9s12NE...

I will ask for more help tomorrow when I go to work with details :D

Thanks in advance...


FreescaleTM MC9S12NE64 / Re: Adapt9S12NE
« on: October 14, 2008, 04:17:35 PM »
Second part of the attachment...

FreescaleTM MC9S12NE64 / Adapt9S12NE
« on: October 14, 2008, 04:16:46 PM »

I only changed the ip/submask and compiled in GNU,IAR,CW,but none of them works on my Adapt9S12NE.
What can be the problem?

ps.I am adding the psa and s19...

µTasker general / Re: Evaluation License
« on: October 13, 2008, 03:08:47 PM »

Sorry about this, we have a spam filter (esafe) which reports blocked content once a day by mail, and I never thought it would be blocked,I asked the network admin about the mail and there it was...

Thanks id advance...

µTasker general / Evaluation License
« on: October 13, 2008, 01:55:59 PM »

how long does it take to get an evaluation license?

best regards...

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