Below is a list of windows based tools that might be of interest to uTasker users, these are tools that I have used before
Virtual Serial PortsSource files drivers the setupc.exe program then type
"install portname=com10 portname=com11" to create a virtual com port pair linked together
Below is the help text from setupc.exe
Setup for com0com
[options] <command>
--output <file> - file for output, default is console
- <to> - wait <to> seconds for install completion. If
<to> has '+' prefix then ask user to continue
waiting after <to> seconds elapsing
(by default <to> is 0 - no wait)
--detail-prms - show detailed parameters
--silent - suppress dialogs if possible
--no-update - do not update driver while install command
execution (the other install command w/o this
option expected later)
--no-update-fnames - do not update friendly names
--show-fnames - show friendly names activity
install <n> <prmsA> <prmsB> - install a pair of linked ports with
or identifiers CNCA<n> and CNCB<n>
install <prmsA> <prmsB> (by default <n> is the first not used number),
set their parameters to <prmsA> and <prmsB>
install - can be used to update driver after execution
of install commands with --no-update option
remove <n> - remove a pair of linked ports with
identifiers CNCA<n> and CNCB<n>
disable all - disable all ports in current hardware profile
enable all - enable all ports in current hardware profile
change <portid> <prms> - set parameters <prms> for port with
identifier <portid>
list - for each port show its identifier and
preinstall - preinstall driver
update - update driver
reload - reload driver
uninstall - uninstall all ports and the driver
infclean - clean old INF files
busynames <pattern> - show names that already in use and match the
<pattern> (wildcards: '*' and '?')
updatefnames - update friendly names
listfnames - for each bus and port show its identifier and
friendly name
quit - quit
help - print this help
Syntax of port parameters string:
- - use driver's defaults for all parameters
* - use current settings for all parameters
<par>=<val>[,...] - set value <val> for each parameter <par>
PortName=<portname> - set port name to <portname>
(port identifier by default)
EmuBR={yes|no} - enable/disable baud rate emulation in the direction
to the paired port (disabled by default)
EmuOverrun={yes|no} - enable/disable buffer overrun (disabled by default)
EmuNoise=<n> - probability in range 0-0.99999999 of error per
character frame in the direction to the paired port
(0 by default)
AddRTTO=<n> - add <n> milliseconds to the total time-out period
for read operations (0 by default)
AddRITO=<n> - add <n> milliseconds to the maximum time allowed to
elapse between the arrival of two characters for
read operations (0 by default)
PlugInMode={yes|no} - enable/disable plug-in mode, the plug-in mode port
is hidden and can't be open if the paired port is
not open (disabled by default)
ExclusiveMode={yes|no} - enable/disable exclusive mode, the exclusive mode
port is hidden if it is open (disabled by default)
HiddenMode={yes|no} - enable/disable hidden mode, the hidden mode port is
hidden as it is possible for port enumerators
(disabled by default)
AllDataBits={yes|no} - enable/disable all data bits transfer disregard
data bits setting (disabled by default)
cts=[!]<p> - wire CTS pin to <p> (rrts by default)
dsr=[!]<p> - wire DSR pin to <p> (rdtr by default)
dcd=[!]<p> - wire DCD pin to <p> (rdtr by default)
ri=[!]<p> - wire RI pin to <p> (!on by default)
The possible values of <p> above can be rrts, lrts, rdtr, ldtr, rout1, lout1,
rout2, lout2 (remote/local RTS/DTR/OUT1/OUT2), ropen, lopen (logical ON if
remote/local port is open) or on (logical ON). The exclamation sign (!) can be
used to invert the value.
Special values:
- - use driver's default value
* - use current setting
If parameter 'PortName=COM#' is used then the Ports class installer will be
invoked to set the real port name. The Ports class installer selects the COM
port number and sets the real port name to COM<n>, where <n> is the selected
port number. Thereafter use parameter RealPortName=COM<n> to change the real
port name.
install - -
install 5 * *
remove 0
install PortName=COM2 PortName=COM4
install PortName=COM5,EmuBR=yes,EmuOverrun=yes -
change CNCA0 EmuBR=yes,EmuOverrun=yes
change CNCA0 PortName=-
busynames COM?*
File Comparison DHCP server for windows windows file transfer (Useful for downloading files to utasker projects)