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Messages - Manish

Pages: [1] 2
  we want to sync two board which have same LPC2378 controller and same code of Utasker. if we connect a GPS and get 1 PPS interrupt at ENT0 of LPC23Xx, how can we synch both board's task?. so we can get same time and same task to run.


NXPTM LPC2XXX and LPC17XX / Re: Boot to External keil Code
« on: August 12, 2013, 08:06:24 AM »
No , that is just writing mistake, but I added only 0x20000.

 My question is if I use both Utasker code (one is Utasker boot code + Utasker App code) then this will work but when I user ( Utasker Boot Code + keil Demo Code as App), then it doesnt works.  Can you please check it again because I am facing it here.

Thank you,

NXPTM LPC2XXX and LPC17XX / Boot to External keil Code
« on: August 10, 2013, 02:31:04 PM »
Hi mark,

  We have LPC23XX boot code , and we have also a second code for lpc 23xx, We want to boot (jump from one code to second code)second code at specific time.but it is not jumping. My memory map like

0x00000 to 0x20000 Boot code with UTasker

0x20000 to 0x80000 App code without Utakser (like Keil demo code)
When Code start from Utaker Boot code , If I want to jump from Utasker to keil Code, use   main_call = (void (*)(void))0x200000; but it will not jump to My keil Code. can you explain it how it works.

  If I use both code of Utasker then both are work and also Jump from one to second, use same location for jumping.

Please reply us regarding this, how we jump from Utasker to Keil.

NXPTM LPC2XXX and LPC17XX / use PPP for SIM900 GPRS modem
« on: September 13, 2012, 07:34:41 AM »
Hi Mark,
  We are working on GPRS communication, so we need to communicate TCPIP stack using GPRS mode via PPP driver app at UART3. so can you suggest how we can communicate GPRS mode SIM900 over uART using PPP driver and access tcpip stack from GPRS mode?.
we use LPC2388 controller with Utasker V1.4

Thank you
Sr. Embedded Eng.


NXPTM LPC2XXX and LPC17XX / Think about USB Host
« on: August 25, 2012, 02:35:34 PM »
Hi Mark,

  Manish here, From last 2 year, we use Utasker RTOS for LPC2378/LPC2388. Now we would like to add some new device to our product,like USB. I seen your forum and document regarding that you have given support to USB slave as massstorage device or CDC. I have a USB host non RTOS source for lpc2388, so can you implement from that host in LPC23xx RTOS code?.

 From one step, I seen that many USB device(Bluethooth,Zigbee dongle,many Filed Digital Field sensor,GSM modem) work as CDC means we can read like a RS232. for those we need to use those device we add driver file in to PC, so in place of PC we expand those driver file and add in to our source  so we can communicate those USB CDC device if we add usb host for CDC device.  If you have like this. I think we can do it.

Manish Dabhi

NXPTM LPC2XXX and LPC17XX / New Task adding Error in USB MassstorageMa
« on: August 24, 2012, 12:03:59 PM »
Hi Mark,  
     After getting your  USB masstorage source code , while we add a new task in Taskconfig.h,  program does not start and same a when remove those added task then again USB massstorage code run again. so can you please check it. We use LPC23xx LPC2388 v1.4 with MCI sdcard.

Manish DAbhi

utFAT / Re: File corrupt if write more then 300Kb
« on: February 15, 2011, 07:45:48 AM »
hi Mark,
  Actually There were problem of Old Sdcard version. I have been downloaded lastest verion V1.6 from forum and it's work but now I am trying create file name more then 8 length it create error I mean there is no Long File Name support, I checked code and see then every you were describe Name array 11 means I can create file name update to 11 [8+1+3], so can you suggest me what how can I enable LFN in sdcard.?

Thank you
Manish Dabhi

utFAT / File corrupt if write more then 300Kb
« on: February 11, 2011, 11:35:57 AM »
Dear Mark,
  Folder and file created properly and also getting from FTP but Now I have problem with file size, mean while I am writing file more then 300 Kb , it writes but corrupt some data and again write properly within same file and other problem is that I am not able to read SDCARD in PC after writing some file which have size more then 300 but when I am trying to see from ftp it is displaying Folder and file sequence. So can you please focus on this how this could be possible. i am accessing SDcard using SPI mode.

Thank you
Manish Dabhi   

utFAT / Re: Problem to get Sdcard's file from FTP
« on: January 03, 2011, 06:28:09 AM »
Thanks Mark,

  When I am trying to upload file from get command , uploading file from sdcard to PC using FTP.  But I need more help for FTP uploading.

My problem is that I am creating a file in a day and updating data in file at rate of one second. After a, whole day storing a 10 MB data in a day , while I am trying upload file, it uploading but it also give data of internal flash mean what we have write in Flash also. so can you focus on this how this possible. because If I am trying loading a small size file it upload proper else create while filesize more then 1 MB.

Thank in Advadnce.
Manish Dabhi 

utFAT / Problem to get Sdcard's file from FTP
« on: December 29, 2010, 11:22:01 AM »
Dear mark,

  Marry Christmas, I think you are enjoyed 25th, enjoying 31st and will be enjoy 1st New Year. While I am downloading any of file of SDcard using FTP , it goes slow, then disconnect, I am able to upload any file in SDcard using FTP but didnt get file from sdcard using FTP command get 1.txt or recv 1.txt . so you please suggest me is there any problem in my configuration or just a limitation?   

NXPTM LPC2XXX and LPC17XX / Error to Creating Folder , not File
« on: November 15, 2010, 01:10:44 PM »
Hi Mark,  Actually I tried and solved problem to creating file and memory related issue but while I am trying to create a folder it code hang and if I am trying to generate Text file , it create and I can write/read but I could not create file in Folder . can you hint  if need any changes. I am sending below operation for creating folder and file. Please check it.

      if(fnDoDisk(DO_CHANGE_DIR,"Test Folder")!=UTFAT_SUCCESS)//open Year Directory
         fnDoDisk(DO_NEW_DIR"Test Folder");//create Year  directory
            if(fnDoDisk(DO_CHANGE_DIR,"Test Folder")!=UTFAT_SUCCESS)//open Year
                     {  return ; //Folder not opened}

//------Create File as per Hour and Min

//------Create file for Writing

         if(fnDoDisk(DO_NEW_FILE,"Test File.TXT",0,0)==UTFAT_SUCCESS) //open Min text File
            fnDebugMsg("\nWrite File ");
   //         fnDoDisk_RTU(DO_WRITE_FILE,"Test File.TXT",&ByteToWrite[0],ByteTolen);

Thank you
Manish Dabhi

NXPTM LPC2XXX and LPC17XX / TIMEOUT!!! error in sdcard due to memory
« on: November 12, 2010, 10:04:29 AM »
Thanks Mark for giving a reply,
        Actually we are working on Two project , out of two one have lower version (1U RTU )and anther have Higher version (3U RTU ), out of then Sdcard works properly in lower version which is consume less memory compare to 3U RTU.   and in 3U RTU doesn't work means it initialize proper but at opening file or creating directory it create TIMEOUT !!! error continually so I am sending .map of my 3 U RTU's and also sending file for app_hw_lpc23xx.h  ,CONFIG.H ,DEBUG.C ,LPC23XX.C , LPC23XX.H ,Lpc23xx_keil.s , TaskConfig.h so can please so map file and tell me how much memory should be need for Sdcard?. you can also find no of task from Taskconfig.h file. And if you need any help them write me on this mail ID.
Thank you
Manish Dabhi
Sr. Embedded Software Engg.

NXPTM LPC2XXX and LPC17XX / Massstorage Task does not start
« on: September 24, 2010, 01:45:26 PM »
Good morning Mark,

 Thank for giving MCI based Sdcard source code. Your code has being runing in my lpc2388 board with 8GB Micro SDCARD. but when i try to import this task in to my exiting utasker source  code it, could not generate. I have do this.

in Taskconfig.h

#define TASK_MASS_STORAGE       'Z'                                      // {5} mass storage task

in this table

const UTASK_TASK ctNodes[] = {           



in this table

const UTASKTABLEINIT ctTaskTable[] =




define function

extern void fnMassStorage(TTASKTABLE *ptrTaskTable);                                 // {5}

can you suggest me if any error to define this?


Manish Dabhi

NXPTM LPC2XXX and LPC17XX / Add MCI interrupt in exsting system uTasker RTOS
« on: September 18, 2010, 06:00:22 AM »
Hi Mark,

 This is manish here, Our RTU code running in your Utasker RTOS.  and it is running fine, but now we would like to add MCI (for SDCARD) interrupt in exiting system, so can you suggest me how can i will add interrupt. We are use MCI bus for accessing memory card because of SPI pin already used for another purpose. we have separate module for SDCARD which we want add in our RTU code. Please reply soon .

Manish Dabhi

NXPTM LPC2XXX and LPC17XX / Re: boot loader support in LPC2388
« on: October 21, 2009, 10:22:34 AM »
Good morning Mark,
 Thank for giving a full support for solving Boot loader code. we have done boot loader support in our exsting board.

Manish Dabhi (MD)

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