This Freedom board is based on the K32L2B31VLH0A which is a 48MHz device from the ultra-low-power K32L family with Cortex-M0+ core. This K32L2B device has 256k Flash and 32k SRAM and is in a 64 pin LQFP package, whereby the K32L2B is also available in 32 pin QFN, 48 pin QFN and 64 bump BGA. Its main features are an SLCD controller, 2 x SPI, 2 x LPUART and 1 x UART, 2 x I2C, 1 x FS USB OTG with crystal-less device operation, a 16-bit ADC module and 12 bit DAC.
There is a 32.768kHz crystal on the board for clocking the part.

Full details and documentation for this board can be obtained from the NXP web site: FRDM-K32L2B3

To configure the µTasker project for this board simply enable the define FRDM_K32L2B3 in the project's config.h file. The compiler needs to be set to build for Cortex m0+ (and not Cortex M4) and the linker script K32L_256_32.ld should be selected [K32L_256_32_BM.ld for downloadable version] {the linker script extension may vary for different compilers, whereby *.ld is valid for GCC}

FRDM-K32L2B3 Binaries

Here are some binary files that can be loaded to the board. These were built using the µTasker applications (serial loader and V1.4 application) and can be simply generated using the supported compilers/IDEs [these were built using GCC], built using different configuration options or modified to suit specific requirements or hardware derived from this board :

  • uTaskerSerialBoot_FRDM-K32L2B3_USB-MSD_UART.bin USB-MSD and SREC/iHEX UART serial loader [21.3k] allowing applications to be loaded at link address 0x8080 - 38'400 Baud. When operating, the green LED blinks at 5Hz. To force the loader reset the board with header SW1 held down. To disable the watchdog reset the board with SW3 held down.
    The SLCD blinks 'b' when running and displays also "USB" when the USB enumerates.
    This can be loaded using the FRDM-K32L2B3's USB-MSD (OpenSDA) boot loader. Note that the loader limits application sizes to 64k - it can be built without limits using the µTasker project.
  • uTaskerV1.4.12_BM_FRDM-K32L2B3_8080.bin K32L2B3 application with command-line menu on the virtual COM connection (LPUART0 at 115'200 Baud) and USB-MSD device FAT emulation. Low power modes can be set in the application menu and the processor runs at 48MHz [40.2k]. Linked to 0x8080, it can be loaded using the USB-MSD serial loader. When the application is running the red LED blinks at 2.5Hz.
    The time is displayed in the SLCD, which can be adjusted in the "Administration" menu (4) using the "set_time 12:30:00" command.
    The USB-MSD device uses emulated FAT for linear data. It uses (USB_INTERFACE, USE_USB_MSD and FAT_EMULATION). This enables the FAT emulation and makes the device accessible from a USB host. The application is discussed in the document µTasker - FAT Emulation and allows viewing data files in binary and formatted formats. For example, for retrieving sampled data from linear internal or external SPI Flash to a .csv file for direct import into a processing program.
    A typical data view of the .cvs formatted view is shown below:

  • uTaskerV1.4.12_BM_FRDM-K32L2B3_8080.srec The same K32L2B3 application in srec form that can be loaded via the virtual COM port (LPUART0 at 38'400 Baud) via the SREC loader [115k].

FRDM-K32L2B3 FXOS8700CQ Accelerometer and Magnetometer on I2C0

uTaskerV1.4.12_BM_FRDM-K32L2B3_I2C_8080.bin K32L2B3 application with command-line menu on the virtual COM connection (LPUART0 at 115'200 Baud) and USB-CDC. At reset the FXOS8700CQ is read and its registers dumped to the command line interface. The accelerometer is read continuously (at 50kHz bus speed) and the values read can be displayed on the command line interface by commanding "acc_on" in the I2C menu - to disable the output "acc_off" [38.3k].
Linked to 0x8080, it can be loaded using the USB-MSD serial loader. When the application is running the red LED blinks at 2.5Hz and the present time is displayed in the SLCD, which can be adjusted in the "Administration" menu (4) using the "set_time 12:30:00" command.

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µTasker Kinetis FRDM-K32L2B3 support. Copyright (c) 2004..2020 M.J.Butcher Consulting